On The Issues

A Strong Economy

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ out of control government spending and heavy-handed regulatory agenda is making gas, groceries and housing unaffordable. And if elected, liberal Missoula environmental attorney Monica Tranel would be a rubber stamp for Kamala Harris’ communist agenda. Ryan Zinke on the other hand has a proven track record of supporting legislation to cut spending and red tape, which will get inflation down and lower costs at the pump, at checkout, and for housing.

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Border Security

Under Kamala Harris’ policies, there is essentially is no southern border. Cartels, human traffickers, drug smugglers and even terrorists have walked across our border with the millions of other migrants with no enforcement whatsoever. Public hospitals are going bankrupt, law enforcement overrun, and our people are dying because of the invasion. And Monica Tranel would be just another rubber stamp to support open borders if she were elected. She even told us in 2022 that closing the border would have no impact on fentanyl in Montana and accused people who support border security as being racist.

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Public Access to Public Lands

In Montana, public access to public lands is not only our birthright, it’s a way of life. We know that traditional mixed-use of these lands makes our state great. So much of who we are and our economy is tied to access to the land. But radical activists infiltrating D.C. policy positions would rather restrict the public’s use of our lands and resources.

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