Letter to the editor: Zinke says what he means and means what he says

Bozeman Daily Chronicle

There are four Republican Candidates currently filed to run in the primary for the new Western Congressional District in Montana. Two of the four I know little about. However, I know the other two very well. My personal experience with Ryan Zinke shows that he is a man who says what he means and means what he says. My personal experience with the other former state legislator is unfortunately quite the opposite.

Ryan Zinke has a legacy of accomplishments not just fiery rhetoric. He increased oil and gas production to make the U.S. energy independent for the first time in 60 years; he expanded access for hunting and fishing on millions of acres of public lands; he protected Paradise Valley from mining; he moved the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) west from D.C.

I will support someone with a proven record of accomplishment who I may not always agree with but at least I know to be honest. Say what you mean, and mean what you say.

Gordon Vance


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